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السبت، يناير 19، 2013

Project of Manufacturing of Nightgowns

Of good projects can be considered this plant species concerns specialized, which aims to produce only one product and this makes the product a high quality because the focus here is on the process of the final output of this product if we assume that the ore production is raw good or specifications are excellent.
And this project is one of the projects that do
not require large capital because of the human element here is that the process of industrialization, of course, and the availability of a minimum of sewing machines, and that's what we call him always and we're focused on.
Before getting into the details of such a project, we must do something simple step in the idea, but the results and repercussions on our decision will be significant after this step either (put our trust in God) and begin work on the project or to postpone it to another time or replace this project is another project.

What do we do?
-1 National tour in the local market in order to identify the species of the product and buy one sample of each type or species of the most famous in the market.
-2 National tour in markets cloth (raw) and try to get the approximate price of the fabrics nightgowns.
-3 National tour on the private markets sewing supplies and try to get on the prices of the most important components shirt industry, for example, yarn prices, (prices the lacy endings tapes, banners and buttons and accessories for sleep shirts).
4 nationalist paste and paper on each shirt and Register everything information that can be extracted from the sample (for example, the type of fabric, the sectoral price, wholesale price (this offer), sizes, quality sewing, the type of embroidery, packaging ).

This step became to have what is known as base information about the components and nightgowns, which are summarized in the following:
1- Prevailing prices.
2- Models and types.
3- Types of fabrics.
4- Kinds of additions.
5- Prices manufacturing requirements.

Construction costs of the operator:
(It should be noted that whenever the specific costs and deliberate whenever we can control the price of the product and an excellent profit margin and within the framework of the prevailing prices, but the price will be competitive):
 1- Tailoring industrial Maker (with multiple uses and the most important embroidery with full accessories (.
 2- Electric scissors.
 3- Piston steam electric.
 4- Thermal Packaging Maker (shrink) with accessories.
 5- fabrics and silks Galleries (the amount of open own judgment).
 6- Tools and sewing kits (the amount of open and according to your own judgment).
 7- Large cutting table.

This is the most important equipment and you can add the following items:
1- Rental store (proposed) note that I prefer to project stems from the house.
2- Shop equipment (air conditioning, electric installations, office furniture, and any other costs appear .....
3- Can add special embroidery Maker after the product begins to spread in order to meet the growing demand.

Important tips:
1- Must focus on the designs, and try hard that we spend, whether employing specialized designed or by buying clothing catalogs.
2- Must focus on development as much as possible.
3- Must focus on quality.
4- Chose for yourself a trade name, and national scoring in the Ministry of Commerce and put it on your product in the form of (anaphylaxis).
5- Take care of the product packaging process and try to be seen as excellent.
6- Sure to quality employment, even if expensive.
7- Try to reduce costs as much as possible and not Valuation download any project costs hinder his success, especially in the beginning.
8- Advertising have the greatest impact in the marketing of the product.

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