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الأربعاء، أكتوبر 10، 2012

A great variety of fashion Kids

مرحباً بكم أعزائي
أقدم لكم اليوم تشكيلة رائعة من الازياء الخاصة بالاطفال
A great variety of fashion Kids
أتمنى تعجبكم و تحوز رضاكم..

موسوعة كاملة عن طرق اختيار كريم الاساس لجميع انواع البشرة

قد يسبب سوء اختيار كريم الأساس إلى إفساد الماكياج ونزع التألق لذا من الضروري لكل امرأة تحب التميز أن تعرف ما يناسبها و ما لا يناسبها من كريمات الاساس جميع خبراء التجميل العالميين وخبراء تجميل النجوم يصبون تركيزهم على عمل أساس جيد للوجه قبل أي شيء لذا حرصت أن أدلكِ على الاختيار السليم لكريم الأساس.   
اختصر لكِ الموضوع قبل أن تختاري كريم الأساس كل الجوانب التي تجب مراعاتها هناك أربع جوانب مهمة جدا:

Important medical benefits of the latest findings of science

Drink plenty of water helps to get rid of excess weight
Every 8 cups of water and reduce by 25 pounds. The percentage of water in the human body to approximately 60 to 70% of the mass of the body, a person can survive without food for a few weeks, but it can not do without water for more than a few days.
The body loses about two liters of water through breathing, sweat and kidney function, and represents the water part in every cell of the body, it helps in digestion and metabolism, as well as the body's ability to burn calories, help the water body muscles to move without cramping and supports Sight The brain and kidney function and

Thirty-Four Tips for Hair Care

1 -  must wash your hair whenever dirty to remove dust and skin secretions that are attached to it.
2 - Massage your scalp daily using coarse hair brush and let strikes Brush powerful and moving from the bottom and the top of any of scalp hair to the

Damages of Green Tea !

Scientific studies confirm that green tea is useful for most people, but it may cause some of the many problems, what are the disadvantages of green tea?

Seven things not to do after eating

Do not drink tea
Because tea leaves contain a high content of acid
This substance will cause the Protein content in the food we consume to be hardened thus difficult to digest

Tea prevents weight gain

A new Japanese study revealed that drinking tea can prevent weight gain caused by the fast-food system, and the study concluded that eating tea regularly controls the harmful changes in blood and  associated with fatty foods that help incidence of obesity disease