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الخميس، ديسمبر 13، 2012

Kids Evolve at the age of 8 to 10 months

Child born to realize prior to the predominance of large to small objects.
 U.S. scientists revealed that young children understand the importance of scale in measuring prevail between two Mtsaraein.
The scientists from Harvard University and California in the United States conducted five experiments on 144 children aged between 8 to 16 months to gauge their reactions when watching videos about the conflict between animated objects in multiple
The writer study and researcher, Department of Psychology at Harvard University and an assistant professor at the University of Konbhagn Lott Thompson: "When surrender a person large for someone smaller, which is an unexpected result, continue children follow the scene for a longer period, and that children continue watching things for longer periods when they see things Tzhlhm , and these reactions indicate that the rights either that generates understand some things social conditions related to the size things or that he acquired at an early age, a property that is found in human and animal alike. "
She added: "For us this is one of the studies that suggest that children come to the world with a complex of the basic concepts they use to understand the world and to know".
The films used by researchers photographed blocs large and small are pictures of the eyes and mouth bounce suddenly in the opposite direction, has seen children blocs Atkabln in the middle hampers each provide the other, and then watching any of the two blocs large or small bow and step aside away from the other.
She reactions children that young people aged eight months have failed to understand the meaning of that step down the larger mass in front of small mass, but the children aged between 10 - 16 months showed surprise when you see it, which means that understanding those meanings evolve at age 8 -10 months.
Thompson indicated that the animal world replete with such examples of larger control such as birds, cats which Tnfh itself so it looks like a larger attackers or dogs which expand Bogesadha to express acquiescence.
Commented childhood researcher and assistant professor of psychology at Purdue University George sophisticated Holish saying: "This study added new understanding of young children and the extent of their awareness of the societal forces and according to the size of only"

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